Be sure to see the photos below the reviews…
Videos and PhotosThis page is for videos and photos I receive of my work. Some happy customers send me photos from all over the world as well as some video reviews AND inclusion in the upcoming Hellraiser Documentary. Simon Sayce, The Original Puzzle Box MakerI’ve been very fortunate in my workings with this box to have met, Simon Sayce, The original Puzzle Box Maker. Simon and I have skyped and exchanged many emails about thoughts and ideas for the Puzzle Box and other artistic endeavors. While being in contact with him it’s also afforded me to have my boxes shown and placed in the documentary about Hellraiser 1&2: My Boxes will be in the opening credits and are mentioned by Simon Sayce in his interview in the documentary. Gary Smart, one of the writers and producers of the documentary has been gracious enough to give me some video snippets for my website here. Lito VelascoA review by Lito Velasco, the man who did the score for the Hellraiser 1 & 2 Documentary: He treated himself to the puzzle box for finishing the score for the documentary. This is an unsolicited review. Review of Our BoxThis was an unsolicited review of one of our boxes by Aaron LaRoque of The Review Spot. His facebook and Youtube channels are here: Photo Gallery:Photo from Courtney Gibson:
Photo from Russia:
Another from Russia:
In Paris:
Facebook:Simon SayceSimon Sayce is the person who was the original designer of the Hellraiser Puzzle Box. many people refer to Gary Tunnicliffe, but it is Simon’s research and work that create the Lemarchand Configuration for the movie, not Gary. Simon contacted me one day on this website and in conversing with him, he agreed to sign a few boxes but he wanted to see them first to see if they met up with his standard. Simon is VERY particular when it comes to detail and I was happy when he said he would sign them. Below are images of him signing them and the notes that he made for each box as a COA that he signed them. There are only 5 boxes available to the public for sale as I am keeping one for myself.
Doug BradleyMost of you know who Doug Bradley is but in case you don’t, he is the Cenobite called Pinhead. Once a man named Captain Elliot Spencer he was transformed into the cenobite when he solved the puzzle of the box. These boxes he signed at Monster Mania 2012. These boxes he signed at Bizarre AC 2013. Ashley LaurenceAlso known as Kirsty Cotton, the heroine of the first 2 movies, she signed several boxes for me at Comic Con in San Diego. A really nice woman who was down to earth and really cool. She’s also a great artist. These were the Cenobites and Ashley Laurence at Monsterpalooza 2014: